
Important SEO Marketing Lesson

seo marketing

I came across a YouTube video purporting to offer a new SEO technique that promised a 1000% + increase in organic website traffic. Intrigued, I bit and watched the video.

Five minutes (I’ll never get back) later I realized it was just techno babble clickbait. There was nothing useful for one doing web design SEO in Massachusetts or elsewhere. Thankfully there was an important website design and SEO lesson to learn from this video.

The man in the video was just selling another SEO course so one would have to click a new link to get the “valuable” content. I’m all for capitalism but I’m also a firm believer in providing value to my Massachusetts web design clients.

Therefore I left the following comment under the video hoping folks would understand that SEO just for ranking and increased traffic is not effective SEO.

The SEO method suggested in the video definitely could work to increase ranking and traffic but as you will see from my comment, it would all be for naught.

For background, it helps to know he “discovered” this search ranking formula by avoiding individual page and post-optimization in favor of linking his most valuable website assets to one monster Mother page. He called it Cake SEO.

This was my comment after another viewer, Mann Oos chimed in with this:

Great tip,but Need more practical explanation. U r just explaining,but without practical just sad.

I replied:

I agree with Mann Oos. No practical explanation at all except a very brief shot of moving comments in WP. Mother, Cake, assets, and other esoteric terms just serve to confuse the viewer. There’s no meat here.

Then someone, perhaps from the video poster’s channel (perhaps not) said to me:

the meat has to be purchased. Don’t you pay for beef?

My response and hopefully an SEO marketing lesson learned:

Only at the butcher shop but not when I go hunting. Your question supports my earlier comment that the above video (with all due respect) is just clickbait.

Even the butcher lets me sample his product with a few slices before I decide to purchase several pounds. I was just conveying that this video entitled “New SEO Technique Get 1059% More Organic Traffic (Fast)” does not fulfill the promise its title implies. IMO Gotch SEO would be better served by providing value to YouTube viewers hunting for information on this subject. Value builds trust and trust fosters loyal paying customers.

I  work in Massachusetts web design and know SEO. I understand the method Gotch SEO is hinting at but most folks new to or limited in SEO knowledge will gain nothing after watching the above video. While we’re on the topic of SEO I’ll give you my two cents on why this method will not bring paying clients to any business that implements it EVEN if traffic is increased over 1000%. I call this type of SEO putting the cart before the horse.

Sure his techniques might get his “Mother page” ranked high on Google but so what? What will all this new traffic see when they click his link? They will be subjected to a 5000+ word web page with numerous menu buttons, links, photos, video,s and other content that will just confuse the visitor. That’s if the mobile version of this “Mother of all web pages” even loads quickly enough before the confused and frustrated visitor goes elsewhere.

This technique is the opposite of a landing page. A business website homepage should clearly state what the service is, how it solves a problem the visitor has, and clearly show the visitor what he should do next. A busy, confusing website turns off visitors. UX, and user experience is extremely important in SEO. Just getting a website ranked high in Google is NOT the answer. High search rankings with excellent user experience are the only method that turns traffic into loyal, paying customers.

The lesson here is that too often SEO services work diligently to get websites ranked high in Google and other search engines, all the time forgetting about the visitor, the client, and the important customer. It is this prospect’s user experience, UX, that must be paramount in the SEO service provider’s mind when combining effective website design with successful SEO.

In the coming articles, I will show you how to combine UX, and user experience, with web design and SEO to increase meaningful traffic and therefore revenue.

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